Artistic Islam
general | calligraphy | geometry | architecture | craft | artists

Bismillah ArRahman ArRaheem
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Welcome to 
Artistic Islam ...
 an exploration of the arts and architecture of Islam. Islam is not simply a is a way of life. Islam governs the everyday lives of Muslims. This includes the art of many Muslim artists. This website will introduce you to the Islamic way of making art. It is essentially a portal of Islamic art web links. This is a temporary thing, until insha'Allah (God Willing), I become more versed in the field and write my own articles. If you would like to contribute articles or images of Islamic art and architecture, drop me a line! My contact details are below.

Mosque in Afghanistan

Mosque in Isfahan, Iran (detail of mosaic tile). Photo by Carol Bier, 1975.


Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site @